
Jonny Loquasto – Saudi Stepdad For Sale

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Jonny Loquasto – Saudi Stepdad

Free to watch on YouTube! However, feel free to purchase here and support the artist!

Jonny Loquasto’s new special “Saudi Stepdad” is the personal look into how his life has done a complete 180 over the past 4 years. In his second self-produced full special, Jonny tells the story of how he went from living like an adult child while working his dream job in professional wrestling to losing that job in an instant because of the global pandemic to then meeting the woman of his dreams and becoming a stepdad of three. On top of that, his wife and kids are from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, so this special follows Jonny navigating the waters of learning a new culture while figuring out how to be a husband and father.

Jonny Loquasto - Saudi Stepdad

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